Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Fire Safety

Each year, second grade gets the opportunity to have four informative visits from the fire department.  Our favorite fireman, Firefighter Dave, visited us last week.  During this visit he talked to the kids about what to do in case of a fire, having an escape route, and having a safe meeting place where you can meet your family away from the home.  Our kids do a great job listening, asking questions, and doing LOTS of sharing!  We are thankful to the Twin Falls Fire Department for visiting us and providing us with such important information!


Tuesday, October 7, 2014

CRHS Library Field Trip

Our second grade had a great time walking over to the library at Canyon Ridge High School.  Mrs. Johnson is the librarian there.  She used to be a teacher at Perrine.  Since she doesn't get to be with the little kids anymore, she is very kind to welcome us to her big kid library.  She reminded us about fiction and non-fiction and taught us how a library is set up according to these two genres.  Our students had a great time.  We are thankful that we were able to attend.


Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Field Trip Reminder...

This is a reminder that we will be going on our first field trip tomorrow.  We will leave the school at 8:15.  Please be sure your child is on time.  We are walking to Canyon Ridge High School.  The librarian puts on a very nice presentation about libraries for us.  It is educational and fun.  Be sure your child is wearing good shoes for walking and brings a jacket.  It will be chilly.  We will only cancel if it is pouring down rain.  We can walk in light rain.  If it looks like rain, you may choose to send an umbrella with your son or daughter.  We will be back to the school before lunch. 
Thanks and have a great night!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Reading Groups

September 14th was Data Day.  Your kids got the day off, while the teachers were hard at work planning interventions for reading.  We have thirty minutes each morning that are put aside for "reading intervention."  In second grade, we have children at all levels.  We work hard to have each child in a placement during reading intervention that will benefit them.  Starting tomorrow, from 8:45-9:15, students will walk to a new class for their reading intervention time.  Interventions range from those who are really struggling to those who need extension.  
We are excited to help each child grow this year!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Different Cultures

We are getting into our new reading program.  The first unit of the program is all about "Friends and Family."  Last week our essential question was "How are families around the world alike and different?"  We have spent a lot of time talking about different cultures.  We are so lucky that our new principal, Mrs. Rodabaugh, is very well traveled.  She has lived all over the world.  She came to our classrooms on Friday and shared some of her adventures.  The kids got to experience different cultures through pictures, money, dress, language, etc.  They had a great time...and it was a good opportunity for them to get to know Mrs. Rodabaugh a little bit better.  In the end, we are learning that we are not all so different after all.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Welcome to 2nd Grade

Hello!  We are so excited to be spending the year with your child. We hope you enjoy your time with us.

We would like to welcome Mrs.Impomeni to our team. She has been working hard to settle into her new home, here at Perrine. She has already contributed much to our team and we know she will be a very valuable asset. 

If you have any questions please never hesitate to contact us. Provided below are email addresses where you can reach us:

Mrs. Brown                     brownan@tfsd.org
Mrs. Cowger                   cowgerja@tfsd.org
Mrs. Impomeni               impomenika@tfsd.org
Mrs. Nielsen                    nielsenpa@tfsd.org
Mrs. Snow                       snowma@tfsd.org
Mrs. Stokesberry             stokesberryje@tfsd.org

We look forward to meeting you.  Please be sure to join us for the Perrine Back to School night on Thursday, August 21st with sessions at 5:00, 5:45, and 6:30 pm. We will see you Monday, August 25th for the first day of school.

Monday, April 28, 2014

2nd Grade News for May and June

     In reading, we will be describing the connection between a series of historical events, scientific ideas or concepts, or steps in technical procedures in a text. We will be reviewing and extending concepts taught throughout the year in math. We will be learning about synonyms and antonyms in language.

      Please continue to practice addition and subtraction math facts at home. Students should be able to complete at least 20 facts accurately in 1 minute to be fluent in math facts. Your child is learning several strategies to learn their facts. Thank you for helping your child at home.

      We are looking forward to several field trips in May and June. Please check out the field trip schedule listed below  for dates and times.

2nd grade field trips

May 2 
Jive Performance at Twin Falls High School 8:30 a.m -10:50 a.m. 

May 8 
Hagerman Fossil Beds/National Fish Hatchery/ 8:30 a.m. -3:00 a.m.

Lunch/1000 Springs Resort – Swimming

May 16 
Herrett’s Planetarium at C.S.I. 12:30 p.m. -3:00 p.m.

June 5
Skateland/Lunch at Frontier Park 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Monday, March 3, 2014

March/April 2nd Grade News


2nd Grade Newsletter

We will be discussing how characters respond to major events, learning about poetry, and making connections between a series of historical events in reading.  In math, we will be learning about money and measurement. We are looking forward to one more assembly on fire and safety. 
            Please continue to encourage your child to be reading at least 100 minutes for a 5 day school week and turning in their homework packets on the last day of the school week.  You can always have your child read more, especially if your child’s fluency rate is not close to 92 words per minute.  This is the minimum to score at grade level for the IRI (Idaho Reading Indicator) test which is in early May.  Please practice addition and subtraction math facts at home.  Students should be able to complete at least 20 facts accurately in 1 minute to be fluent in math facts.  Your child is learning several strategies to learn their facts.  Thank you for helping your child at home. 

Monday, January 6, 2014

January 2nd grade news in PTA newsletter


            The second graders had a very successful Christmas play in December at Canyon Ridge High School’s auditorium.  A big thank you goes out to all of the family members that came to watch the performance and helped with costumes.
We continue to work hard and learn many new things this year. We are learning how to solve story problems using addition and subtraction, and counting money in math. In reading, we will be retelling fables and folktales, answering questions, and explaining why the author includes certain details in a text.  We continue to work on phonics skills and fluency. We are learning about the descriptive world of adjectives. 

            Please continue to encourage your child to read for at least 20 minutes a night at home and record it on the homework page and make sure that you sign it.  Homework folders are due on Friday or the last day of the school week and will be sent back home on Monday or the first day of the school week.  If you haven’t paid the $30 class fee, please do so soon.  The money is used for art projects, gifts for parents that students make, assemblies, and field trips. Most of our field trips and other expenses occur during this half of the year.  Thank you for all that you do for your child.