Monday, March 16, 2015


Don't forget that this week is parent/student/teacher conferences.  If you are unsure of what time your conference is, please contact your child's teacher.

Also, please remember that due to conferences, there is no school Thursday or Friday.  Next week, March 23-27, is spring break.  Enjoy!

Friday, March 6, 2015

Fire Safety

We had our third installment of fire safety today.  Firefighter Dave came and talked to us about emergencies that would make it necessary to call 9-1-1.  He had several people come up and practice dialing 9-1-1.  They practiced how to dial and what to say.  It was interesting to see that many of the kids did not know how to use a landline type telephone.  When he showed them the rotary phone...their minds were blown.

We are grateful to Firefighter Dave for coming.  He always teaches such great lessons. 
The kids love him.

One thing he talked about was the importance of knowing your phone number and address.  There were many kids who did not.  If you have some extra time this weekend, maybe work with your child on memorizing these things.  It may save someone's life.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Class Pictures

Class pictures will be Thursday, March 5th.  If you are interested in purchasing class pictures, you will find an ordering envelope in your child's homework folder.